Getting Ready for Out-of-Town Guests: A Host’s Checklist

Carmen D. Lade

“Entertaining With Betsy Bloomingdale” was published in 1994. Though the book is about entertaining with food, it contains a comment about house guests. Every occasion has a purpose, according to Bloomingdale, whether you are having a dinner party, birthday party, or out-of-town guests. She devotes an entire chapter to setting […]

Elder Care – Planning Meals for the Elderly

Carmen D. Lade

Elder care includes the planning of meals for the elderly. This can be challenging as there are several factors that can cause a depression in the appetite of an elderly person. Seniors may also experience drastic changes in their digestive pattern that may make it difficult for them to consume […]

Your Funny Videos and Entertainment

Carmen D. Lade

Are you looking for funny videos and entertainment? There so many of these types of videos on an online social utility networking sites. Social network sites cater to a lot to funny videos to attract more audience and sign ups to their websites. So it is no wonder that this […]

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