4 Easy Steps to Taming Your Scrapbooking Mess

Carmen D. Lade

Admit it, you are obsessed.

You love making cards, albums and keepsake crafts with stickers, paper, and embellishments to preserve your family’s memories. But the trouble comes when you need to organize your scrapbooking and papercraft supplies.

Crafting sometimes is a collage of creative mass. You begin with a little project and carefully store all your supplies in a neat box. Then, the next thing you know, all your supplies have taken over your house, and you’re finding craft supplies everywhere from the garage to the bathroom cupboard.

How is a crafter to keep papers, embellishments, stickers, page protectors, tape, pens, stencils, and scissors tidy so it’s not a jumbled mess?

Help is here! Here’s some tips to organizing your scrapbooking supplies:

Tackle it one step at a time

If you have been scrapbooking for a while you may have accumulated a mountain of paper. Looking at the mountain of crafting supplies may cause you to feel overwhelmed.

Take 15 minutes at a time to work on it. You’ll be surprised at the progress even a busy mom can make.

Choose a spot

Tame your creative clutter by selecting a dedicated room, ‘desk or place where all your scrapbooking supplies will be stored.

Sort into categories

Get containers to sort your papers, stickers, borders etc. into. Keep the papers you plan on using. Toss papers that are too small, or you no longer need. And donate unwanted but usable papers to a local elementary school or youth group.

You can store them by “type” and also by “theme”. For instance, all your baby scrapbooking items can go together in one drawer. Vacation scrapbooking supplies in another and so on.

The Mini Stackables makes it easy to store and keep your scrapbook papers organized. You can set it beside a desk or table. It also stashes neatly out of sight in a closet.


Have a place for everything and put everything in its place. Having a label on each bin and drawer makes it easy to put items away when you are done with them. Take the extra time after completing a scrapbooking page to put items away.

Once you create a system of what goes where, it’s much easier to stay organized. Look around your craft room and you’ll notice how a clean room gets you inspired to create and you won’t have to go and re-purchase any supplies because you can’t find them!

Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Happy scrapbooking!

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