What To Do When a Death of a Loved One Occurs

Carmen D. Lade

Whether anticipated or not, the death of a loved one is a jolting and emotional experience for families and loved ones. The actual time of death can be an overwhelming experience for most people, making it a challenge to organize thoughts and figure out which steps to take directly following […]

How to Make Paper Look Crimped

Carmen D. Lade

Texture is a very important element for any scrapbook page, greeting card or 3-D craft project. You can easily add texture with paper that is crimped… that is, it has pleats like a hand-held paper fan. Here are 3 different ways to create Crimped Paper… use them on your next […]

The Guide on Making a Decorative Applique Candle

Carmen D. Lade

Decorating homemade candles is great fun and actually easier than most people think. The best thing about decorative candle making is that it can be completed within a few minutes and requires very little skills to complete. I have one such project for you today: appliqué candles! Appliqué candles are […]

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