Cooking And Sharing Recipes – A Fun Entertaining Activity

Carmen D. Lade

Have you ever had friends coming over and you suddenly don’t know how to entertain them. Or you want to gather all your new friends and catch up but you can’t plan on what activities you will enjoy doing together? Try cooking and sharing recipes, it is a nice way to entertain your guests, especially for new acquaintances.

There is nothing more satisfying for women but to catch up and talk all day. But sometimes when you are all stressed out, cooking is a nice way to de-stress and yet still get to share what has been going on with your lives. For those new friends you have just met, sharing recipes is a nice way to start a good and lasting friendship. But planning this event for your girl friends may be a little too hard if you don’t do it ahead of the event.

Have an invitation for the cooking event and emphasize that an RSVP is sent on time. Establish the rule of whether your friends need to buy their own ingredients for their recipes or will it be provided by the host. If you can, ask them ahead of the kitchen gadgets or tools or appliances that they might need so you can rent or buy it or just have them bring their own. The cooking time should not exceed an hour so everyone gets the chance to cook their recipes before everybody gets too exhausted. On the invitation ask if anyone has some food allergies or intolerance that could cause serious effects so everyone can narrow down the recipes and dish choices that they will be cooking.

When you are getting the lists of recipes, be sure that all the courses are complete; from appetizers to soup to dessert. If, for instance no one will be cooking soup, try to get a volunteer or you can do it yourself. Print all the recipes in advance and make a separate copy for each so you can follow it while it’s being done. But don’t give out the copies beforehand; it’s still nice to be surprised.

Remember that you all might be cooking all day so try not to eat too much when tasting each other’s recipes; you want to wait till everybody is done and have a dinner together. Prepare a wine and some coffee or tea to drink so nobody losses their appetite or have too much appetite. Bank on each other’s conversation and take advantage of the chance to catch up with what’s new with your friends. Get some secret recipes that might interest your family so you can also learn some new cooking techniques from your friends.

Try to have the place all to yourselves on the day of the event or have it in a hotel or any place where you will be cooking without any interruptions. If it’s too impossible, designate a separate room for the kids and prepare some activities for them to do as well.

Cooking is a fun activity that you and your friends can share. You can choose to do it on a regular basis, say once every month, you all set aside a day to share recipes as you share your lives with them.

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