Corporate Entertainment – Sales Training at Corporate Events

Carmen D. Lade

When your team needs sales training, but they’re struggling to be a team, what do you do? Plan a training event that builds the team, while training them for better sales! Open up the flood gates for profit within your marketing team, by growing productive team action with corporate entertainment that brings them together.

Nothing builds a team like play time!

Dance bands at your corporate event stimulate more than simple pleasure, they encourage your team members to hit the floor and move their feet! Training can be fun, too.

Here are three huge training stimulators that will have your team making cash income in no time at all.

Team Building Weekend –

A weekend of training and fun, where your teams can get to know each other, connect with spouses, and family members, and find out how much they really do have in common is a great way to build your team. The best part of this “all in family team” is the outcome based motivation. When the teams become interconnected at the family level, they rise to the occasion, and STAY on the team. To make that happen, they become successful sales reps for your business.

Of course, this happens best when you’ve planned at least some corporate level entertainment for the whole team and their families.

Interactive Training & Awards Showcase –

All of your sales team members have most likely earned some level of sales award. If not, they probably won’t be still on the team. So how about showcasing those who have done an amazing job. Delivery of those awards by Celebrity Tribute Artists might be the BEST entertainment of the night, if they’re interspersed with a great dance band and some amazing dance routines. Make it a celebrity night, and go whole hog, positioning your best sales leaders and team leads for the next venture marketing program.

Themed Entertainment & Speakers –

Reaching out to leaders on your team and inviting them to speak to the group, or bringing in professional speakers, then mixing them into a themed music or entertainment evening of planned interaction can be a huge success. Consider making your team great with team leaders who are celebrated, awarded, and acknowledged throughout an entertaining evening. Invite them to join in dance contests, music games, and awards.

Embrace the opportunity to invite your corporate leaders to get involved in the corporate entertainment that goes along with a training event. Sales training can be a new load of fun at your corporate event.

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