Develop a Schedule For Reading to Your Baby

Carmen D. Lade

Parents instinctively know that they should be reading to their babies. But at what age should they begin and how do they get started? It is much easier than you think. Ideally parents should begin reading to their babies at birth. Some parents experience wonderful results reading to their babies while they are still in the womb. If you have missed out on this opportunity, make sure to begin as soon as possible.

Birth is really the best time to begin reading to your baby. Since both mother and baby are recovering, this is the perfect time to introduce some of your favorite books to your little one. While your baby is nestled by your side, you can read then their first stories. This is a wonderful way to bond parents with their children.

When you read to your baby, you will have your baby on your lap, feeling secure and safe. The tone of your voice and the words you say will help your baby develop their language skills. Your baby will learn from the beginning that reading is a pleasurable and enjoyable activity that they want more of.

If you have missed out on the opportunity to read to your baby at birth, it is not too late to start right now. It is important to develop a routine that your baby can depend on. Babies do much better when they have a set routine.

Decide when you would like to establish reading time with your baby. You can read to them first thing in the morning, before or after a nap, or at bedtime. You may want to read to your baby while they eat. Whichever time you choose to read, aim to be consistent.

Reading to you child is so important. It teaches them language and vocabulary. It makes it much easier for them to learn to read because they understand how written language sounds. Children that are read to regularly develop stronger language skills than children that are not. Through books your child will learn about things and places that they would not normally encounter in the daily life.

If you don’t know where to start, take a trip to your library or the bookstore and look for books that will appeal to you and your baby. If you use your library, you can choose from a large selection of books and there is no cost to you.

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