Elderly Hygiene Products – Personal Care Products For Seniors

Carmen D. Lade

When people get a certain age, it becomes more difficult for them to take care of themselves. This can be because they cannot reach well enough to do so or even because a disorder prevents it. To help your loved one in your family with personal care, there are elderly hygiene products you can get for them. Many seniors appreciate these products greatly because they are embarrassed to ask for help. In addition, they would rather have products they can use themselves instead of having another person help them with this personal matter.

One of the elderly hygiene products you might find useful for your loved one is for the bathroom. Sometimes seniors are not able to fully reach where they need to, so it makes using the bathroom difficult. There is a product that actually holds the bath tissue at the end of a long handle, so it is easier to reach. This also works great for seniors with arthritis who cannot hold items well. Along the lines of this, there is a long handles hair brush. This makes taking care of their hair easier for them to do because they do not have to worry about missing a spot in the back if they cannot reach.

If taking care of their nails is the issue, there are elderly hygiene products that can help them. For their toenails, there is an extended reach cutter that helps them cut their toenails without having to bend down too far. For their fingers, there is a table top cutter that helps steady the clippers. You also could get them a lotion applicator that helps seniors apply lotion easier. It is a handle that has lotion at the end of it, so all they have to do is rub the handle on their body and they instantly have applied lotion.

There are elderly hygiene products for people who cannot bath themselves. They have the option of using no rinse bathing wipes, which make it easier to clean yourself without having to get into the tub. There also is a sponge on a stick for those who still can bath but cannot reach well enough. The handle is long enough so they can reach everywhere they need to reach without straining themselves. There are shampoo and shower basins for seniors who cannot leave their bed. We can help you with our full line of senior products.

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