Sleep. It’s the ultimate refresher and is essential to our survival, but are you and your family getting enough? Although we spend 33% of our lives asleep, we barely take notice… until we can’t sleep. Then we think about it nonstop and would pay anything for a night of uninterrupted snoozing. May is Better Sleep Month and what better time to assess your families sleep habits and make changes?
Good sleep patterns are established from a very young age, so if you have young children in the house it’s time to take a look at their nightly routines and institute change.
Problem: Your child is always too cold or too hot.
Solution: Temperature is a major issue when it comes to sleep. The ideal bedroom temperature for sleep is 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit, but seasonal conditions often come into play and can make a room too hold or cold. A few simple adjustments can make it possible for your child to sleep comfortably:
· Make sure all bedding in your child’s crib is made of natural fabrics.
· Dress your child in a sleep sack made of merino, which has the natural ability to cool or insulate your child depending on the temperature. Unfortunately synthetic fabrics such as polyester can cause your child to overheat, and cotton offers little warmth, so merino is your best choice.
Problem: Your child’s sleep schedule is inconsistent
Solution: Creating a consistent nighttime routine is essential for children, who on average need at least 9 hours of sleep per night. By establishing and sticking with a nightly pattern, you’re giving your child the best chance to get to sleep sooner and sleep longer throughout the night. A typical nighttime routine for an under two is:
1. Dinnertime at a reasonable hour, preferably before 7pm
2. Bath or shower time. The warm water relaxes young children and signifies the end of the day. A couple of drops of lavender scented bath oil can be soothing and relaxing.
3. A short massage for babies under the age of one can be very relaxing. Again, lavender scented lotions or oils can assist.
4. Dress your child in his/her nighttime clothing. Sleep sacks are worn over your child’s sleepwear and fabrics such merino or cotton are best for young children.
5. Story time with a bottle of warm milk (if necessary)
Problem: I’m a new parent and I need some sleep!
Solution: There’s nothing more challenging than taking care of a new baby. The good news is, as babies grow older, they sleep for far longer periods at a time and soon will sleep through the night. In the meantime, know that erratic sleep schedules and getting up in the middle of the night will be part of your lives for the next few months. In saying that, establishing nightly routines and creating sleep associations such as dressing your child in a sleep sack can promote longer periods of uninterrupted sleep.
Problem: I’m not sure how long my child should be sleeping for.
Solution: Children need at least nine hours of sleep each night, and toddlers can be expected to take regular naps on top of this during the day. To help your kids get the sleep they need, make sure your child’s bedroom is conducive to a good night’s sleep – it should be cool, quiet and dark and he or she should be sleeping on a comfortable, supportive mattress, and preferably in a baby or toddler sized sleep sack.
Merino is a top choice for sleep fabrics since it can absorb up to 35% of it’s own weight, compared to polyester which can be as low as 1%. Children that sleep in merino are less likely to overheat, meaning safer and better sleep for little ones.
Better Sleep Month isn’t just for adults! There are several things you can do to promote healthy and safe sleep patterns for your children. Your child will never be too hot or cold when they wear a Merino Kids Baby or Toddler Sleep Bag, meaning better and longer sleep for both you and your little one.