Retiree jobs will be important to 72% of all baby boomers. According to a Del Webb, who should know something about retirement, survey of baby boomers… 72% is the percentage of baby boomers that plan to work in retirement.
Why is working in retirement necessary? Over 50% of boomers have saved less than $25,000 for retirement.
Since the average American family has over $8,000 in credit card debt…There is no incentive to save at 1% interest when you pay 18% or more on your credit card balance. Why are so many in debt is another story…it is reality that many boomers are facing.
Since almost half of retirees move when they retire, there is a lot of demand for retiree jobs in Arizona and Florida, where most retirees relocate. There are just so many Wal-Mart greeter jobs to go around. Some choose real estate; there are certainly those jobs available to proven producers.
For those planning to retire overseas for the much lower cost of living…you should not plan on traditional work. The jobs available will be given first to locals…the way it should be.
For most, a part time job will supplement their Social Security…again in the popular retirement states they will be lots of competition for these jobs.
Virtual retirement or retiring online will be sought for those who would like to work at the time and place of their choosing…doing what you want is why you retire in the first place.
Unless you are that rare person who actually knows, as much about computers as the average 12 year old, you will need some help in training for a productive online career. The learning curve is steep…but doable…for us baby boomers.
I found the answer to my knowledge gap in computing and websites after 2 months of floundering. Others are not so lucky…I hope you discover what I did early on. Interested in how I did it?