Why Checkers Is A Great Game For Children To Play

Carmen D. Lade

Checkers is a popular game for good reason. It’s simplicity makes it easy for children to learn the game and its attention to strategy make it an attractive game. But there are other good reasons why children would benefit from playing checkers that I will discuss in this article.

#1: Checkers Teaches Children To Be Patient

If you have played checkers a lot, you might be the kind of player who tends to move pieces fast. Since checkers is not as strategy driven as chess and since the non-king pieces can only move in one of two spots, players may tend to make their moves rather quickly. This can be costly as the game progresses because the player may not realize that he/she is putting his/her pieces in a position where they can be captured.

Checkers is a great way for children to realize that they must be patient with every move that they make. While it should not take as much time as in chess to make a move, it is important for children to learn never to be rash when making moves. Even when their pieces become kings, it is important that they understand to be careful with every move they make. When a rash opponent plays an opponent who is careful with their moves, the rash opponent often loses.

#2: Checkers Also Teaches Children The Importance Of Piece Teamwork

Piece teamwork in the context of this article means that one piece moves right behind the other so that the opposing piece is unable to jump it. Often times, it is a good idea to have one piece right behind the other especially as you reach your opponent’s side of the board as it will allow you to utilize the corners more effectively.

It is important to children to learn that each piece operates as part of a team. If they set out each of the pieces individually, they all can end up being captured one by one. If they go as a group, it could help the player to reach the top of their opponent’s line. Of course, the player has to be careful not to put their pieces in a position where they can be double-jumped. But if the pieces go together as a team, chances are really good that the player will reach the top.

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