A Few Reflections on Fathers Day

Carmen D. Lade

Father’s Day is a time when we can reflect on the male role models in our lives and appreciate the lessons learned from their input. Gifts and cards are often given in recognition of the importance of that paternal role. But these days many homes are single-parent families and father […]

Gardening is Good Therapy

Carmen D. Lade

Many of us garden just for the sheer joy of it. But did you know that all over the country the healing aspects of gardening are being used as therapy or as an adjunct to therapy? Although this might sound like a new concept, garden therapy has been around for […]

Islamic Gifts For Welcoming New Babies

Carmen D. Lade

Almost all religions and cultures have traditions regarding the arrival of a new baby in a family such as baby showers before the arrival, baptisms and celebratory parties after the baby arrives. Similarly, Islam and Islamic countries follow the tradition of an Aqeeqa upon the arrival of the bundle of […]

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