How Foster Care Makes a Difference for the Child and the Foster Parent

Carmen D. Lade

Hundreds of thousands of children are placed in foster care each year because of abuse, neglect, death or incarceration of a parent, or behavioral problems among many other sad situations. They need the time and effort of several committed adults in order to grow and thrive.

Though this may sound daunting, there are plenty of advantages for the child and the foster parent. Before considering fostering, one should consider all the ins and outs of the experience and make sure that everyone in the household is on board.

Beneficial for the Entire Family

Contrary to what many believe, foster care doesn’t just benefit the child in need. Everyone in the household can grow and learn from the experience. There are plenty of quotes on “making a difference in a child’s life” and they are all too true. Just knowing that one has made an impact has tremendous effects in the life of the foster parent.

Though it can be hard to let go, and this should be noted. Many foster parents are those who cannot have children of their own, so in a short-term situation after they’ve bonded with the child seeing them go can be heart-wrenching. It’s something foster carers should keep in mind and be prepared for.

On the flip side, if the carers are looking to adopt, often times the agency will place a long-term child with them, knowing it could lead to adoption. Carers go through an extensive assessment in order to have the right child placed in their care.

Safe and Secure

For these kids, a stable and secure environment is just what they need to succeed. Being taken from their parents, family, friends and a home they were accustomed to is very rough for them. Because the goal is to reunite the child, the foster carer should be willing to provide what they need in the meantime. This includes physically and psychologically, preparing them for the next step, and understanding their situation.

Knowing that one has provided this, and helped not only the child but their parents and family to be reunited in love and understanding is a wonderful feeling.

Academic Benefits

In most cases, children who come from an unstable household are falling behind in school. When they enter a stable location, they have minimal worries and can focus on their education.

This is especially true when the foster carer has time to devote to homework and academic encouragement. Many children are very concerned with what’s going on at home be it fighting, poverty or other drama that no child should have to face.

One benefit that is proven through foster care is that most children begin to succeed academically, and the time away can help them focus and get back in the game as far as school successes.

Consider Fostering

Regardless of one’s reason for wanting to foster a child, they have a wealth of resources in order to research whether it’d be a good fit for their lifestyle. A child’s well-being is not to be taken lightly, but if a person can offer a safe, warm and nurturing environment either short or long-term, then they can make a difference.

Though children are placed each day, there are thousands that are still in the system and waiting for someone to open their homes and hearts.

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